Inim UK

fully integrated monitoring-gas

Typical System Architecture - Gas Extinguishing

Previdia Max & Compact Control panels

Previdia series control panels are characterized by a uniformity of technical features and a clear and intuitive user interface, they provide the sector professional with a scalable, intuitive and reliable tool with which to successfully face market challenges.


All the control panels can be interconnected together in a network through RS485 based connections (HORNET+ technology) or over TCP-IP networks: this allows the delocalized management of the entire system and achieves greater flexibility on the site of installation and greater overall reliability.


All models manage gas shutdown systems; the control panels manage both multiple discharge zones from a single control panel (Previdia Max up to 24 channels) and the use of delocalized control panels capable of managing a single flood zone (Previdia Compact), however, interconnected together in the network.

Remote Control

Thanks to management of latest generation technologies, such as TCP-IP, 3G, wired telephone lines, Web etc., systems based on control panels from the Previdia range are easily supervised remotely and guarantee complete control of the danger in every situation.

Manage your entire system remotely

Programming via the user-friendly touchscreen interface with its clear and intuitive layout is designed to minimize system activation and maintenance times, making the Previdia range the ideal choice. All the control panels can be interconnected together within a network through RS-485 based connections (HORNET+ technology) or over TCP-IP networks: this allows the delocalized management of the entire system and achieves greater flexibility on the site of installation and greater overall reliability.

Inim Cloud Fire

All the Previdia series control panels can be connected to the Inim Cloud Fire. The Cloud service applied to fire detection and alarm systems is completely free of charge. It allows two profiles, Installer and User, to remotely control their systems and overcomes all types of networking problems by making all the control panels reachable from any location. 

Moreover, the Inim Cloud Fire allows you to keep your systems log continuously updated, as required by law, in fact all the events recorded by the control panel (to which notes can be added and signed), such as maintenance, tests and any relevant events encountered by the system operators (entered manually) are saved automatically. 

Finally, the Inim Cloud Fire records in detail the tests performed on each individual detector and provides an archive of test reports which can be consulted both by the installer and the user. It automatically provides diagnostic reports capable of indicating whether all periodic maintenance operations on each individual system element have been carried out, thus allowing the installer to make a work plan and the user to keep check on system maintenance.

Inim Fire App

inim Fire app

Inim Fire is the free App that you can download from the iOS and Android stores, aimed at both professionals (installers and maintenance technicians) and end users (installation managers, security supervisors, etc.), it allows you to manage all Previdia series control panels that are connected to the Inim Cloud Fire. 

Thanks to its simple, intuitive interface and the use of ‘push notifications,’ the Inim Fire App provides an instantly understandable overview of what is happening on all the systems you have access to. 

By simply tapping a few times on the screen, you can scroll through the details and navigate the status of each element of the system.


All the components of the range are accompanied by certifications issued by the most prestigious certification bodies in the field of fire detection and according to all applicable regulations: